It is expressly forbidden for anyone to take, copy or duplicate for any reason whatsoever any
material from any pages of
The Official Robert Fuller Website without the consent of the website owners.
Please contact: robertfullerfandom@gmail.com
During a career that spanned 50 years it is not surprising that Robert
received extensive media coverage. As his fame grew the more the
world wide media wanted to talk to him and write about him.
This included interviews and articles featured in newspapers and
magazines, book, radio, television and online.
This section of Robert’s website aims to give you a look at some of the
inteviews and articles devoted to him. While Robert is happy to have
these articles reproduced here, it has to be noted that you cannot
always believe what you read!!
It is impossible to give you everything but hopefully this section will
cover enough to keep you entertained for a long time.
Hope you enjoy this trip through time.
My sincere thanks to the following people who sent me the majority
of articles that are featured in this section of Robert Fuller’s Website:
Suzie Mellot Smith
Atsuko Yamaguchi
Julie Klein Emanuel
Heidrun Veit
And to everyone else who sent in the odd article. It all helps